Time to take a Friday Pause

The BBC Proms has got underway this week, with a wonderful sea-themed opening night last Friday. The Doctor Who prom was only available on Radio 3, but a generation of children were introduced to the joy of radio because of that (and I assume a TV broadcast will be shown in November). For more info on the Proms season, click this link, or read the Guardian’s review of the week. Why not put on tonight’s prom (or one of this week’s on iPlayer) and enjoy catching up on the week’s music blogs?

Are You One Of The 50%? – This May Change How You Teach Piano (Teach Piano Today) – A very short post with a very important message.

A Simple Strategy for Worrying Less and Practicing More Productively (Bulletproof Musician) – Some fantastic tips for how to focus on music practice when your mind is filled with other stress and worries.

“But it Takes Me Ages to Learn a New Piece!” (Practising the Piano with Graham Fitch) – A really challenging post about the benefits of quick study, alongside the longer-term practicing to perfection.

Speaking from the Stage (The Musician’s Way) – Some key tips taken from public speaking into the world of music making.

Grand Pause (don’t shoot the pianist) – Makes me quite glad our national anthem has an introduction and is usually sung in a big group!

The Dog Ate My Piano Book – Part 2… And Now It’s Personal (Teach Piano Today) – What can we learn about practicing our music from dog obedience training? More than you’d think…

Composing Music with Music Dice (Practice Makes it Easy) – A fantastically easy and creative idea using musical dice to introduce students to composing. I just wish it was easier to get hold of musical dice in the UK!

Meet the Artist… Melinda Huges, opera singer & satirical performer (The Cross-Eyed Pianist) – Normally, this series is interviews with pianists, but this time it’s an opera singer, and it’s an enlightening interview.

Stage Frights: Musicals We’ll Never See (Guardian Theatre Blog) – Following the news that 20th Century Fox are planning to make more movies into musicals, Lyn Gardner muses on the wisdom of such a move.

Critical Vs Creative Thinking: How Initial Judgments Can Cripple Your Learning (Jazz Advice) – A little open-mindedness goes a really long way in music!

Audience in a Bottle (Pianimation) – A great, if slightly creepy, idea to help you really perform every time.

Fearlessly Embrace Things That Seem Odd (La Dona’s Music Studio) – A great introduction to one of the odder trends in 20th century music.

And finally, a cartoon courtesy of La Dona’s Music Studio:



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